Shanti Biotech Enterprises Is an entity having state-of-art factory at Delhi & Company was registered entity after having acquired valuable experience of about ten years by the Director’s of the company in Biotechnological field. The company has its registered & Head office in Delhi. The company has also technical support and constant interaction with eminent scientists and professors in the Biotechnological & Agriculrural field of various disciplines.
Shanti Biotech Pvt. Ltd has amply dedicated and proven itself in its own little humble way in nation building through establishing high tech horticulture turnkey projects/erection of latest state of art High tech Green HousesTissue culture laboratory set up Polyhouses Shade House Mist Chamber Hardening Chamber Walk-in cooler Rainout Shelters Cold Room Plant Health Clinic Leaf Analysis Lab & Model Floriculture Center and allied Biotech Systems and Instruments.
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Faridabad, Haryana